8 ^ 2 - 5 equals -2 squared + 7

This statement is correct.

8^2 - 5 equals (-2)^2 + 7.

64 - 5 equals 4 + 7.

59 equals 11.

Therefore, the statement is true.

To solve this equation step by step, let's start with the left-hand side (LHS) of the equation:

8 ^ 2 - 5

Step 1: Evaluate the exponent first:

8 ^ 2 = 64

So, the LHS becomes:

64 - 5

Step 2: Subtract 5 from 64:

64 - 5 = 59

Now let's move on to the right-hand side (RHS) of the equation:

-2 squared + 7

Step 1: Evaluate the exponent first:

-2 squared = (-2) * (-2) = 4

Step 2: Add 7 to 4:

4 + 7 = 11

So, the RHS also equals 11.

Since the LHS (59) is not equal to the RHS (11), the given equation is not true.

To verify whether the given equation is true or false, let's solve each side of the equation individually and compare the results.

First, let's evaluate the left side of the equation:

8^2 - 5 = 64 - 5 = 59

Now, let's evaluate the right side of the equation:

(-2)^2 + 7 = 4 + 7 = 11

Therefore, the left side of the equation is 59, while the right side is 11. Since 59 is not equal to 11, the equation is false.

To solve this equation, we first calculate the value of each side, and then compare the results to determine if they are equal.