
Greenhouse gases are _______.
(1 point)
gases that release heat
gases that hold in heat
gases that create carbon dioxide
gases that consume carbon dioxide

gases that hold in heat

The correct answer is:

Greenhouse gases are gases that hold in heat.

The correct answer to the question "Greenhouse gases are _____" is "gases that hold in heat."

To arrive at this answer, you can use the process of elimination by considering each option listed and determining which one accurately describes greenhouse gases.

1. "Gases that release heat": This option is incorrect because greenhouse gases do not release heat. Instead, they trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

2. "Gases that hold in heat": This is the correct answer. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor, have the ability to absorb and re-emit heat energy, effectively trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere.

3. "Gases that create carbon dioxide": This option is incorrect. While carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, it is not the only greenhouse gas, and greenhouse gases are not solely responsible for creating carbon dioxide.

4. "Gases that consume carbon dioxide": This option is also incorrect. Greenhouse gases do not "consume" carbon dioxide; instead, they contribute to its accumulation in the atmosphere.

It is important to consider each option and use logical reasoning to determine the correct answer. In this case, understanding the definition and role of greenhouse gases helps to identify the correct choice.