Which features would you look for to classify a volcano? Select the three correct answers. (2 points)





type of lava
type of lava

presence of foliage
presence of foliage

age of rock

The three correct answers would be:

1. Height
2. Steepness
3. Type of lava

To classify a volcano, you would look for the following features:

1. Height: Volcanoes can vary in height, so measuring the height is a useful parameter for classification.
2. Steepness: The steepness of a volcano's slopes can indicate its level of activity and eruption style.
3. Type of lava: Different volcanoes produce different types of lava, such as basaltic or andesitic, which can affect the volcano's shape and eruptive behavior.

Therefore, the correct answers are:
- Height
- Steepness
- Type of lava

To classify a volcano, there are several features to consider:

1. Height: Volcanoes can range in height from small cones to large mountains. The size is an important characteristic to determine the type and potential activity of a volcano.

2. Steepness: The slope or steepness of a volcano can provide insights into its stability and potential for eruption. Steeper slopes may indicate a more violent eruption, while gentler slopes may indicate a less active volcano.

3. Type of lava: Different types of lava can lead to distinct volcano shapes and eruptions. For example, basaltic lava from shield volcanoes typically flows smoothly, while andesitic lava from stratovolcanoes can be more explosive.

So, the three correct answers to classify a volcano are: height, steepness, and type of lava.