the expression has three terms the expression has a coefficient of 5 the expression has a constant of 8 move a number or variable to each line to create the expression using these X Y 5 8 blank plus blank blank plus blank

X + Y + 5 + 8

5X + Y + 8

X + 5Y + 8

Based on the given information, let's create the expression step-by-step:

First, we know the expression has three terms. Let's represent them as "term1," "term2," and "term3."


Next, we know the expression has a coefficient of 5. To represent the coefficient, we multiply it by a variable. Let's use "X" for the variable:



Moving on, we know the expression has a constant of 8. A constant is a term without any variables. So, we can simply use "8" to represent it:



Lastly, we need to represent the remaining terms using "Y." Since there are two blank spaces before "Y," we can use the multiplication operation between the numbers and the variable:

_ _ Y

Putting it all together, the expression becomes:

5X + 8 + _ _ Y

To create the expression using the given information, we know that the expression has three terms, a coefficient of 5, and a constant of 8. Let's break down the creation step by step:

Step 1: Determine the number of terms
Since the expression has three terms, we need to distribute the terms into the equation. We will use the variables X and Y to represent the terms.

Step 2: Distribute the coefficient and constant
We know that the expression has a coefficient of 5 and a constant of 8. Let's distribute them among the terms.

The first term:
Since the coefficient is 5, we'll place it in front of the first term:

The second term:
Since we only have two terms left, we'll place the constant of 8 after the second term:
5X + 8

The third term:
The remaining term will be represented by the variable Y:
5X + 8 + Y

Step 3: Combine the terms
The final expression, using the terms X, Y, 5, and 8, is:
5X + 8 + Y

Therefore, the expression using the given conditions is 5X + 8 + Y.