Instead of sending representatives to the First Continental Congress to protest the Intolerable Acts, Georgians _____(1 point)


captured several British arms storehouses.
captured several British arms storehouses.

sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah.
sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah.

arrested the royal governor and other British officials.
arrested the royal governor and other British officials.

requested permission to send a delegation to the king of England.

arrested the royal governor and other British officials.

The correct answer is:

- Sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the context of the question. The question is asking what Georgians did instead of sending representatives to the First Continental Congress to protest the Intolerable Acts.

To find the answer, we can analyze each option provided:

1. Capturing several British arms storehouses: While this could be a possible action taken by Georgians in response to the Intolerable Acts, it does not directly address the alternative to sending representatives to the First Continental Congress.

2. Sending a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah: This option seems more relevant to the question. The provincial congress in Savannah would serve as an alternative gathering where Georgians could address their concerns and discuss potential actions.

3. Arresting the royal governor and other British officials: While this action could be a response to the Intolerable Acts, it does not specifically answer the question about an alternative to the First Continental Congress.

4. Requesting permission to send a delegation to the king of England: This option is not specific to Georgians taking action within their own province but instead seeks permission to engage with the king of England, which does not directly answer the question.

Based on this analysis, the most appropriate answer would be option 2: Georgians sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah as an alternative to sending representatives to the First Continental Congress to protest the Intolerable Acts.