Marketers can’t force customers to buy a product or service, or exploit vulnerable segments such as the elderly or children, to generate sales—all of which relates to what quality in the AMA’s code of ethics?

(1 point)










The quality in the AMA's code of ethics that relates to not forcing customers to buy a product or service, not exploiting vulnerable segments such as the elderly or children, and generating sales is fairness.

The quality in the AMA's code of ethics that relates to not being able to force customers to buy a product or service, or exploit vulnerable segments such as the elderly or children, to generate sales is "fairness." Fairness is an important ethical principle in marketing that ensures businesses treat their customers and stakeholders equitably and ethically.

To find this answer, you would need to refer to the AMA's code of ethics and look for the section that discusses the ethical principles and responsibilities of marketers. This code of ethics is a set of guidelines and standards put forth by the American Marketing Association (AMA) to promote ethical practices in the field of marketing. By referring to the code of ethics, you can identify the specific quality that relates to not being able to force customers or exploit vulnerable segments.