In "Wave," Dale Wisely characterizes water as an element that _______.

(1 point)

gives life
gives life

takes life
takes life

gives and takes life
gives and takes life

is life

takes life

According to Dale Wisely in "Wave," water is characterized as an element that gives and takes life.

To answer this question, we can start by understanding what the novel "Wave" is about. Once we have a general understanding of its themes and message, we can analyze Dale Wisely's characterization of water as an element.

To find information about the novel "Wave," we can search for book summaries or reviews. This can be done by entering the title of the novel and searching on popular book review websites, such as Goodreads or Amazon. Reading the book's synopsis or plot summary will provide insight into the themes and message conveyed by the author.

Once we have a general sense of the novel's content, we can look for any specific passages or quotes that mention water. This may involve searching for quotes from Dale Wisely, the character who makes the characterization about water. Quotes from characters can often reveal their perspectives and thematic elements.

To search for quotes, we can use online book databases or search engines that allow us to search within the text of a specific book. By searching for the novel "Wave" and including specific keywords like "water" or "Dale Wisely," we can find relevant quotes that reference water as an element.

After finding the relevant quotes, we can analyze them to determine how Dale Wisely characterizes water. Based on the options provided in the question, we can see that Dale Wisely characterizes water as an element that "gives and takes life." This can be considered a balanced characterization, suggesting that water has both life-giving and life-taking qualities.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is: Dale Wisely characterizes water as an element that gives and takes life.