Which of the following is an example of Congress's shared national security power?

1 point
declare war
raise and support armies
punish pirates
regulate commerce

All of the options provided in the question are examples of Congress's shared national security power.

An example of Congress's shared national security power is the authority to declare war.

The example of Congress's shared national security power among the options provided is "declare war."

To determine this, let's break down and understand each option:

1. Declare war: This power allows Congress to formally initiate a state of war against another country. It is an essential authority granted to Congress under the U.S. Constitution. By approving a declaration of war, Congress can authorize military action and provide the necessary resources and support.

2. Raise and support armies: This power enables Congress to create, fund, and maintain the armed forces of the United States. It includes the authority to recruit and train military personnel, provide salaries and benefits, and acquire equipment and supplies required for national defense.

3. Punish pirates: While piracy may be related to national security concerns, it falls more under Congress's authority to regulate international waters and maritime affairs rather than national security specifically. Congress has the power to define and punish crimes committed on the high seas, including acts of piracy.

4. Regulate commerce: While regulating commerce is a vital power held by Congress, it primarily falls under the authority granted by the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, which allows Congress to regulate interstate and international trade. While commerce can have implications for national security, it is not directly tied to Congress's shared national security power.

Looking at these options, "declare war" is the best example of Congress's shared national security power, as it directly relates to the ability to engage in military action and protect the nation in times of conflict.