Huda’s doctor has recommended that she avoid sugar-free foods. Why would her doctor MOST likely find these foods to be unhealthy?

(1 point)

They might contain artificial sweeteners.

They might contain artificial sweeteners.

They might have a lot of calories.

They might have a lot of calories.

They might cause a negative body-image.

They might cause a negative body-image.

They might encourage delayed gratification.

The doctor would most likely find sugar-free foods to be unhealthy because they might contain artificial sweeteners.

The doctor would most likely find sugar-free foods unhealthy because they might contain artificial sweeteners.

The doctor most likely finds sugar-free foods to be unhealthy because they might contain artificial sweeteners. To come to this conclusion, the doctor might have considered the potential negative health effects of artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are synthetic sugar substitutes that are often used in sugar-free foods to provide sweetness without the added calories of sugar. However, some studies and research suggest that consuming artificial sweeteners in large amounts may have negative health effects, including increased appetite, weight gain, metabolic disorders, and even a higher risk of developing certain chronic diseases. Therefore, the doctor's recommendation for Huda to avoid sugar-free foods is likely based on concerns about the potential health risks associated with artificial sweeteners.