Jordan can swim 2 laps in 4 1/2 minutes.

Select the correct unit rates for the given situation.
A. 4/9 per lap
B. 2 1/4 per lap
C.2 1/4 per minute
D.2/9 of a lap per minute
E.4 1/2 minutes per lap
F.4/9 of a lap per minute

C. 2 1/4 per minute

To determine the correct unit rate, we need to find the ratio between the two quantities: laps and minutes.

The given information states that Jordan can swim 2 laps in 4 1/2 minutes.

So, the unit rate for this situation is laps per minute.

Let's calculate it:

2 laps / 4 1/2 minutes

To simplify the calculation, convert the mixed number, 4 1/2 minutes, to an improper fraction of minutes.

4 1/2 minutes = (4 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 9/2 minutes

Now, we can calculate the unit rate:

2 laps / (9/2 minutes) = 2 laps * (2/9 minutes) = 4/9 laps per minute

So, the correct unit rate for this situation is A. 4/9 per lap.

To find the correct unit rates, we need to determine the relationship between the number of laps and the time it takes to swim them.

Given that Jordan can swim 2 laps in 4 1/2 minutes, we divide the number of laps by the time it takes:

2 laps / 4 1/2 minutes

To simplify, we convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:

2 laps / (9/2) minutes

Next, we multiply the numerator and denominator by the reciprocal of the denominator:

2 laps * (2/9 minutes)

This simplifies to:

4/9 laps per minute

Therefore, the correct unit rate is option A: 4/9 per lap.