Which statement about the use of Roman numerals in outlines is true?

Use Roman numerals to indicate both major sections and subsections of a report.

Use Roman numerals to indicate subsections of each major section of a report.

Use Roman numerals only to indicate the title of the outline.

Use Roman numerals to indicate major sections of a report.

The statement "Use Roman numerals to indicate major sections of a report" is true.

The statement "Use Roman numerals to indicate major sections of a report" is true.

The statement that is true about the use of Roman numerals in outlines is: "Use Roman numerals to indicate major sections of a report."

To create an outline using Roman numerals, you would typically use the following format:

I. Major Section
A. Subsection
1. Sub-subsection
2. Sub-subsection
B. Subsection
II. Major Section
A. Subsection
B. Subsection

In this format, Roman numerals (such as I, II) are used to represent the major sections of the report. Within each major section, capital letters are used for subsections (such as A, B), and then Arabic numerals are used for sub-subsections (such as 1, 2).

Therefore, the correct statement is that Roman numerals are used to indicate major sections of a report in an outline.