Which statement describes whether gold is a renewable or nonrenewable resource?(1 point)


Gold is a renewable resource because it can be recycled quickly and in large quantities.
Gold is a renewable resource because it can be recycled quickly and in large quantities.

Gold is a nonrenewable resource because it is in limited supply.
Gold is a nonrenewable resource because it is in limited supply.

Gold is a nonrenewable resource because it can be replenished in a lifetime.
Gold is a nonrenewable resource because it can be replenished in a lifetime.

Gold is a renewable resource because it is sustainable.

Gold is a nonrenewable resource because it is in limited supply.

The correct statement is: Gold is a nonrenewable resource because it is in limited supply.

The correct statement is: "Gold is a nonrenewable resource because it is in limited supply."

Gold is considered a nonrenewable resource because its supply is finite and limited. Once it is extracted from the earth, it cannot be replenished or renewed in a human lifetime. This is different from renewable resources, such as solar or wind energy, which can be naturally replenished and sustained over time. It is important to understand the distinction between renewable and nonrenewable resources to make informed decisions regarding their usage and conservation.