Suppose contact lenses cost $300 for a year's supply or $30 for a month's supply. Which is less expensive to order per year, paying for 12 months at one time or paying for 1 month at a time

To determine which option is less expensive, let's calculate the total cost of each option over the course of a year:

Option 1: Paying for 12 months at one time
The cost for a year's supply of contact lenses is $300.

Option 2: Paying for 1 month at a time
The cost for a month's supply of contact lenses is $30.

To calculate the cost for 12 months, we multiply the cost for 1 month by 12:
Cost for 12 months = $30 x 12 = $360

Comparing the two options, it is clear that paying for 12 months at one time is less expensive, as it costs $300 compared to $360 for paying 1 month at a time.

To determine which option is less expensive, we need to compare the total cost for both scenarios.

Let's start with paying for 12 months at one time:
The cost for a year's supply is $300.
So, paying for 12 months at one time would cost $300.

Now, let's calculate the cost of paying for 1 month at a time for a year:
The cost for a month's supply is $30.
Since there are 12 months in a year, the total cost for 12 months would be $30 x 12 = $360.

Therefore, it is less expensive to order a year's supply and pay for 12 months at one time, which costs $300, rather than paying for 1 month at a time for a year, which costs $360.