Four friends are sharing of a loaf of bread. What portion of the whole loaf of bread will each friend get


The correct answer is D. 1/8.

Since there are 4 friends sharing the loaf, each friend would get one-fourth of the whole loaf. Writing one-fourth as a fraction is 1/4, which is equivalent to 2/8. Simplifying the fraction, each friend would get 1/8 of the whole loaf.

To determine the portion of the whole loaf of bread that each friend will get, we need to divide the loaf into equal parts.

Given that there are four friends sharing the loaf, we divide the whole loaf into four equal parts.

Now, let's analyze the options:

A. 1/6: This option suggests dividing the loaf into six equal parts. Since we have four friends, this option would provide more than one part per friend, which is not what we want.

B. 1/10: This option suggests dividing the loaf into ten equal parts. Again, since we have four friends, this option would provide more than one part per friend.

C. 1/12: This option suggests dividing the loaf into twelve equal parts. Since we have four friends, this would mean each friend receives three parts, which is the correct answer.

D. 1/8: This option suggests dividing the loaf into eight equal parts. It would provide more than one part per friend.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Each friend will receive 1/12th of the whole loaf of bread.

To find out how much of the whole loaf of bread each friend will get, we need to divide the loaf equally among the four friends.

We are given four choices:

A. 1/6
B. 1/10
C. 1/12
D. 1/8

Let's calculate each option to determine the correct answer:

A. If each friend gets 1/6 of the loaf, the total amount of bread would be (1/6) + (1/6) + (1/6) + (1/6) = 4/6. This means the friends would have 4 out of 6 parts of the loaf, which is not an equal division.

B. If each friend gets 1/10 of the loaf, the total amount of bread would be (1/10) + (1/10) + (1/10) + (1/10) = 4/10. This means the friends would have 4 out of 10 parts of the loaf, which is not an equal division.

C. If each friend gets 1/12 of the loaf, the total amount of bread would be (1/12) + (1/12) + (1/12) + (1/12) = 4/12. This means the friends would have 4 out of 12 parts of the loaf, which is an equal division.

D. If each friend gets 1/8 of the loaf, the total amount of bread would be (1/8) + (1/8) + (1/8) + (1/8) = 4/8. This means the friends would have 4 out of 8 parts of the loaf, which is not an equal division.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Each friend will get 1/12 of the whole loaf of bread.