Reagan is 3.5 inches shorter than Cassidy. If Reagan is 39 inches tall, which equation could you use to find Cassidy's height? (1 point) Responses 39 - c = 3.5 39 - c = 3.5 3.5 - c = 39 3.5 - c = 39 39 - 3.5 = c 39 - 3.5 = c c - 3.5 = 39

39 - 3.5 = c

To find Cassidy's height, we can use the given information that Reagan is 3.5 inches shorter than Cassidy. Let's assume Cassidy's height as 'c'.

Reagan's height is given as 39 inches, so we know Reagan = 39 inches.

According to the information, Reagan is 3.5 inches shorter than Cassidy, which means Cassidy's height minus 3.5 inches should be equal to Reagan's height.

Hence, the equation that could be used to find Cassidy's height is:

c - 3.5 = 39

This equation represents Cassidy's height minus 3.5 inches equals 39 inches, which allows us to solve for Cassidy's height 'c'.

The equation that can be used to find Cassidy's height is:

c = 39 - 3.5