Why is it important to evaluate the author's purpose when reading an informational text?(1 point)


It can highlight the qualifications a writer has in a certain field.
It can highlight the qualifications a writer has in a certain field.

It can help a reader determine what an author wants them to learn from the text.
It can help a reader determine what an author wants them to learn from the text.

It can suggest how the reader should feel about the information in the text.
It can suggest how the reader should feel about the information in the text.

It can explain what the author’s opinion is on the information presented.

It can explain what the author’s opinion is on the information presented.

The correct response is: It can help a reader determine what an author wants them to learn from the text.

When reading an informational text, it is important to evaluate the author's purpose because it allows the reader to understand what the author intends to convey or communicate through the text. By identifying the author's purpose, readers can better comprehend the main message or argument being presented. This understanding helps readers actively engage with the text and critically evaluate the information. It also enables readers to assess the reliability and bias of the author's perspective, which is crucial for developing a well-rounded understanding of a topic. By considering the author's purpose, readers can become more discerning consumers of information, weighing different perspectives and forming their own informed opinions.

The correct response is: It can help a reader determine what an author wants them to learn from the text.