As a child, Gandhi attended rudimentary schools, where students would frequently draw the shapes of letters in dust with their fingers, rather than on paper. What context clue helps you to figure out the meaning of rudimentary?

The context clue that helps figure out the meaning of "rudimentary" in this sentence is "students would frequently draw the shapes of letters in dust with their fingers, rather than on paper." This suggests that rudimentary schools refers to basic or elementary schools that lacked proper resources, where students had to use unconventional methods for learning and writing.

The context clue in the sentence is "students would frequently draw the shapes of letters in dust with their fingers, rather than on paper." This suggests that rudimentary schools refer to basic or elementary schools with limited resources, where students did not have access to paper and had to write in dust with their fingers.

To figure out the meaning of the word "rudimentary" in the given context, you can look for context clues within the sentence. In this case, the context clue is "students would frequently draw the shapes of letters in dust with their fingers, rather than on paper." This indicates that the schools Gandhi attended were basic or elementary, where students didn't have access to proper materials like paper. So, the context clue helps you infer that "rudimentary" means simple, basic, or primitive in this sentence, describing the nature of the schools.