blank feature stories usually have creative openings.

a Honest
b Heartfelt
c Human
d Hazy

c Human

The correct answer is b) Heartfelt.

Blank feature stories usually have creative openings that capture the readers' attention and engage them in the story. These openings aim to provide a unique perspective, set the tone, or evoke emotions. Now, to determine the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning behind the given options.

a) Honest: While honesty is a valuable characteristic in journalism, it may not directly relate to a creative opening for a feature story.

b) Heartfelt: A heartfelt opening can be a creative way to connect with readers emotionally, making it a possible correct answer for this question.

c) Human: Starting a feature story with a focus on human experiences, emotions, or perspectives can be both creative and compelling, making "human" another possible correct answer.

d) Hazy: "Hazy" does not align with the idea of a creative opening for a feature story.

In conclusion, the most suitable answers for a creative opening in a blank feature story would be "heartfelt" and "human."