Item #3

How is the gerund used in the sentence?

The cat's favorite activity is sleeping.

(1 point)

Subject Complement
Subject Complement

Direct Object
Direct Object


Object of a preposition

Object of a preposition

The gerund "sleeping" is used as the subject complement in the sentence "The cat's favorite activity is sleeping."

To determine how the gerund is used in the sentence "The cat's favorite activity is sleeping," we need to first identify the gerund.

A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in "-ing." In this case, the gerund is "sleeping."

Now, we need to determine its function in the sentence.

In this sentence, the gerund "sleeping" serves as the subject complement. A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb (in this case, "is") and describes or completes the subject. It provides more information about what the subject (the cat's favorite activity) is or does.

So in summary, the gerund "sleeping" is used as a subject complement in the sentence "The cat's favorite activity is sleeping."