Which statement comparing ionic and covalent bonds is correct?

More electrons are transferred to form covalent bonds than ionic bonds. More electrons are transferred to form covalent bonds than ionic bonds. Elements in Group IA are more likely to form covalent bonds than ionic bonds with other atoms. Elements in Group IA are more likely to form covalent bonds than ionic bonds with other atoms. The difference between electronegativities is greater for atoms in covalent bonds than for atoms in ionic bonds. The difference between electronegativities is greater for atoms in covalent bonds than for atoms in ionic bonds. Covalent bonds tend to be less polar than ionic bonds.

Covalent bonds tend to be less polar than ionic bonds.

The statement "Covalent bonds tend to be less polar than ionic bonds" is correct.

The correct statement comparing ionic and covalent bonds is:

Covalent bonds tend to be less polar than ionic bonds.

To understand why this is the correct statement, let's briefly discuss the characteristics of ionic and covalent bonds.

In an ionic bond, electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another, resulting in the formation of ions. One atom becomes positively charged (cation) by losing electrons, while the other becomes negatively charged (anion) by gaining those electrons. These oppositely charged ions then attract each other, creating a bond.

In a covalent bond, on the other hand, electrons are shared between atoms. Each atom contributes one or more electrons to the bond, forming a shared electron pair. This sharing of electrons allows both atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Now, let's look at the statement options:

1. More electrons are transferred to form covalent bonds than ionic bonds. (Incorrect) - This statement is not true because in ionic bonds, electrons are fully transferred, while in covalent bonds, they are shared.

2. Elements in Group IA are more likely to form covalent bonds than ionic bonds with other atoms. (Incorrect) - This statement is also incorrect. Elements in Group IA, also known as the alkali metals, are more likely to form ionic bonds because they have a tendency to lose their valence electrons and form cations.

3. The difference between electronegativities is greater for atoms in covalent bonds than for atoms in ionic bonds. (Incorrect) - This statement is not accurate. Electronegativity difference refers to the disparity in the ability of atoms to attract electrons in a covalent bond. However, ionic bonds involve the complete transfer of electrons, so electronegativity difference is not a factor in those bonds.

4. Covalent bonds tend to be less polar than ionic bonds. (Correct) - This statement is correct. Due to the electron sharing in covalent bonds, the distribution of charge is more balanced, leading to a lower degree of polarity compared to ionic bonds where there is a clear separation of charges between ions.

Therefore, the correct statement is that covalent bonds tend to be less polar than ionic bonds.