There are 12 total siblings in a family. There are 4 sisters, and the rest are brothers. What is the ratio of sisters to brothers?(1 point)


ratio of 12 to 4

ratio of 4 to 8

ratio of 8 to 12


ratio of 4 to 12

The ratio of sisters to brothers in this family is 4:8.

To find the ratio of sisters to brothers, you need to compare the number of sisters to the number of brothers. In this case, there are 4 sisters and the rest are brothers. Since the total number of siblings is 12, you can determine the number of brothers by subtracting the number of sisters from the total.

Total siblings - Number of sisters = Number of brothers
12 - 4 = 8 brothers

Therefore, the ratio of sisters to brothers is 4:8 or simplified, 1:2.