Use the Zero Product Property to find the value of x that makes the following statement true: 2⋅(x−3)=0 .(1 point) The value that makes the statement true is x= .

To use the Zero Product Property, we set each factor equal to zero and solve for x.

First, set the factor (x - 3) equal to zero:
x - 3 = 0

Next, add 3 to both sides to isolate x:
x = 3

Therefore, the value of x that makes the statement true is x = 3.

To use the Zero Product Property, we set each factor equal to zero and solve for x. In this case, the two factors are 2 and (x - 3). So, we can write:

2 = 0 (first factor)
x - 3 = 0 (second factor)

To solve the first equation, we see that there is no value for which 2 equals zero. Therefore, we can ignore this equation.

Now, let's solve the second equation:

x - 3 = 0

To isolate x, we can add 3 to both sides:

x = 3

Therefore, the value that makes the statement true is x = 3.

To find the value of x that makes the statement 2⋅(x−3)=0 true using the Zero Product Property, we need to set each factor equal to zero and solve for x.

The Zero Product Property states that if a product of two or more factors is equal to zero, then at least one of the factors must be zero. In this case, we have a product of two factors: 2 and (x - 3).

So, we can set each factor equal to zero:

2 = 0 and x - 3 = 0

The first equation, 2 = 0, is not true since 2 is not equal to zero. Therefore, we can ignore it.

The second equation, x - 3 = 0, can be solved for x by adding 3 to both sides:

x - 3 + 3 = 0 + 3
x = 3

Therefore, the value that makes the statement 2⋅(x−3)=0 true is x = 3.