What does it mean to say that two variables are negatively correlated?

(1 point)

When one variable increases, the other decreases.
When one variable increases, the other decreases.

When one variable increases, the other also increases.
When one variable increases, the other also increases.

When one variable decreases, the other also decreases.
When one variable decreases, the other also decreases.

Both variables change at the same rate.
Both variables change at the same rate.

Employee Name Years of Higher Education Current Salary
Joslyn Smith 6 $81,500
Heather Miller 2 $38,000
Marie Coolidge
Examine the data table, which shows a list of employees at a company, how many years of higher education they have, and their current salary. Use this table to answer the question.
Complete the missing data in the table above using the following information.

Marie Coolidge is a new employee. She has five years of experience in a similar job, where she was paid $45,000–$65,000. She has four years of higher education. Her current salary will be $55,000.
(1 point)

4, $45,000
4, $45,000

4, $55,000
4, $55,000

5, $50,000
5, $50,000

5, $65,000

Employee Name Years of Higher Education Current Salary
Joslyn Smith 6 $81,500
Heather Miller 2 $38,000
Marie Coolidge
Examine the data table, which shows a list of employees at a company, how many years of higher education they have, and their current salary. Use this table to answer the question.
Assuming that the data for all employees follows the same pattern, which kind of relationship is there between years of higher education and current salary?
(1 point)

a clustered relationship
a clustered relationship

There is no relationship.
There is no relationship.

a negative correlation
a negative correlation

a positive correlation

Employee Name Years of Higher Education Current Salary
Joslyn Smith 6 $81,500
Heather Miller 2 $38,000
Marie Coolidge
Examine the data table, which shows a list of employees at a company, how many years of higher education they have, and their current salary. Use this table to answer the question.
Which of the following is a variable in the data table above?
(1 point)

previous salary
previous salary

years of experience
years of experience

years of higher education
years of higher education

average salary

Which kind of relationship is shown in the following scatter plot?

A graph with a x -axis and y-axis is shown. 5 black dots ranging from left-parenthesis 1 comma 9.8 right-parenthesis to left-parenthesis 9 comma 1.3 right-parenthesis in a downward slope.
(1 point)

negative correlation
negative correlation

positive correlation
positive correlation

a direct relationship
a direct relationship

no trend

negative correlation

To answer the first question, "What does it mean to say that two variables are negatively correlated?" The correct response is: "When one variable increases, the other decreases." This means that as one variable increases, the other variable tends to decrease.

To answer the second question, "Complete the missing data in the table above using the following information." The correct answer is: "4, $55,000". This is because Marie Coolidge has four years of higher education and her current salary is $55,000.

To answer the third question, "Assuming that the data for all employees follows the same pattern, which kind of relationship is there between years of higher education and current salary?" The correct response is: "a positive correlation". This means that as the number of years of higher education increases, the current salary also tends to increase.

To answer the fourth question, "Which of the following is a variable in the data table above?" The correct response is: "years of higher education". This is because it is one of the columns in the data table that represents a specific characteristic or value for each employee.

To answer the fifth question, "Which kind of relationship is shown in the following scatter plot?" The correct response is: "negative correlation". This is because the scatter plot shows a downward slope, indicating that as the x-axis variable increases, the y-axis variable tends to decrease.

1. When one variable increases, the other decreases.

3. When one variable decreases, the other also decreases.

2. When one variable increases, the other also increases.

4. Both variables change at the same rate.

The missing data in the table is: 4, $55,000.

The kind of relationship between years of higher education and current salary is a negative correlation.

The variable in the data table above is years of higher education.

The relationship shown in the scatter plot is a negative correlation.