What did snidely say after filling his car with super premium, power plus gasoline?

"I must say, my car will truly hum with this super premium, power plus gasoline!"

To find out what Snidely said after filling his car with super premium, power plus gasoline, we can use our imagination and think about some possible scenarios or statements he might have made. Since Snidely just filled his car with high-quality fuel, he might express satisfaction or excitement about its benefits. Let's imagine a few possible things Snidely could have said:

1. "Wow, with this super premium, power plus gasoline, my car is going to be unstoppable!"
2. "I can't wait to experience the turbocharged performance of my car with this high-octane fuel!"
3. "With this top-notch gasoline, I'll be leaving everyone in the dust at the next race!"

Remember, the actual statement Snidely said after filling his car with super premium, power plus gasoline would depend on his personality, preferences, and context.

It is not specified what Snidely said after filling his car with super premium, power plus gasoline in the given context. However, in general scenarios, people might express satisfaction or excitement about the enhanced performance or benefits they expect from using such high-quality fuel.