Match the person to their historic role in Texas history

Prompt 1René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
Answer for prompt 1 René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
Prompt 2Martín de Alarcón
Answer for prompt 2 Martín de Alarcón
Prompt 3Damián Massanet
Answer for prompt 3 Damián Massanet
Prompt 4Francisco Hidalgo
Answer for prompt 4 Francisco Hidalgo
Prompt 5Alonso de León

Answer for prompt 5 Alonso de León

Answer for prompt 5 Alonso de León

Answer for prompt 5 Alonso de León

To match the person to their historic role in Texas history, you'll need knowledge of the individuals' roles and contributions during the period in question. Here's how you can find the answers for each prompt:

1. René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle: He was a French explorer and known for his expedition to establish a French colony in present-day Texas. You can find more information about him by searching for "René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle Texas history."

2. Martín de Alarcón: He was a Spanish military officer who served as the governor of Spanish Texas. Look for information about his contributions and role as the governor to find the answer to this prompt.

3. Damián Massanet: He was a Spanish Franciscan priest who played a significant role in Spanish missions in Texas. Search for his name along with phrases like "Spanish missions in Texas" to find details about his historic role.

4. Francisco Hidalgo: He was a Spanish priest who advocated for the establishment of missions and settlements in East Texas. Research his involvement in the mission establishment and his contributions during that time.

5. Alonso de León: He was a Spanish explorer and military officer who played a crucial role in the establishment and expansion of Spanish presence in Texas. Look for information on his explorations and military expeditions in Texas.

By conducting research with the provided prompts and the suggested search terms, you should be able to find the historic roles of each person in Texas history.