Vito uses 9 liters of water to water 24 flower pots. He is wondering how many liters of water (w) would it take to water 40 flower pots. He assumes he'll use the same amount of water on each pot. How many liters of water does it take to water 40 flower pots?


To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion. We know that Vito uses 9 liters of water to water 24 flower pots. So, the ratio of liters of water to flower pots is 9/24.

We can use this ratio to find out how many liters of water it takes to water 40 flower pots. Let's set up the proportion:

9/24 = w/40

To solve for w, we can cross-multiply:

24w = 9 * 40

Divide both sides by 24:

w = (9 * 40) / 24

w = 360/24

w = 15

Therefore, it would take 15 liters of water to water 40 flower pots.

To solve this problem, we can use a proportion.

We know that Vito used 9 liters of water to water 24 flower pots. Let's set up the proportion:

9 liters / 24 pots = w liters / 40 pots

To find the value of w, we can cross multiply and solve for it:

24w = 9 * 40

Now, let's calculate:

24w = 360

Divide both sides by 24 to isolate w:

w = 360 / 24

w = 15

Therefore, it would take Vito 15 liters of water to water 40 flower pots.

To find out how many liters of water it would take to water 40 flower pots, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

9 liters of water can water 24 flower pots.

Let's set up the proportion:

9 liters / 24 pots = w liters / 40 pots

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and then solve for w.

(9 liters)(40 pots) = (24 pots)(w liters)

360 liters = 24w

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 24 to solve for w.

360 liters / 24 = 24w / 24

15 liters = w

Therefore, it would take 15 liters of water to water 40 flower pots.