Eating disorders ...

Choose all that apply

require medical attention

are considered a mental illness

can cause death

only affect girls

require medical attention

are considered a mental illness
can cause death

- Eating disorders require medical attention: Yes, eating disorders often require medical attention as they can have significant physical consequences and complications. In severe cases, they may require hospitalization or specialized treatment programs.

- Eating disorders are considered a mental illness: Yes, eating disorders are classified as mental illnesses. They involve disturbances in eating behaviors and thoughts related to food, body weight, and shape. These disorders are often accompanied by psychological and emotional issues.
- Eating disorders can cause death: Yes, eating disorders can be life-threatening. They can lead to severe medical complications, including organ failure, electrolyte imbalances, heart problems, and suicide. Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.
- Eating disorders only affect girls: No, eating disorders can occur in both males and females, although they are more commonly associated with females. Males can also develop eating disorders, although they may be underdiagnosed due to stigma and societal misconceptions.

To determine which statements are correct, we can provide explanations for each option:

1. Require medical attention: Yes, eating disorders do require medical attention. Seeking professional help from doctors, psychologists, and nutritionists is crucial in addressing and treating eating disorders. They can provide necessary medical interventions, therapy, and guidance for recovery.

2. Considered a mental illness: Yes, eating disorders are recognized as mental illnesses. They involve distorted thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to food, body image, and weight. Common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

3. Can cause death: Yes, eating disorders have the potential to cause severe health complications and can lead to death. Starvation, organ damage, electrolyte imbalances, and cardiac issues are some of the life-threatening consequences associated with eating disorders. Therefore, prompt and appropriate treatment is crucial to prevent such outcomes.

4. Only affect girls: This statement is incorrect. While eating disorders are more commonly associated with females, they can affect individuals of any gender. Research suggests that a significant percentage of males also struggle with eating disorders, although they may be less likely to seek help or be diagnosed.

In conclusion, the statements that apply are:
- Eating disorders require medical attention.
- Eating disorders are considered a mental illness.
- Eating disorders can cause death.