Why did the colonists of South Carolina appeal to King George I of England in 1719?(1 point)ResponsesThey wanted religious freedom.They wanted religious freedom.They wanted a representative government.They wanted a representative government.They wanted additional funds from the king.They wanted additional funds from the king.They wanted to become a royal colony.

They wanted to become a royal colony.

In 1719, the colonists of South Carolina appealed to King George I of England because they wanted to become a royal colony. To reach this answer, you can consider various historical factors and events of the time.

Firstly, it is important to note that the English colonies in North America were initially established under different forms of governance. Some colonies were chartered colonies, which were granted specific rights and privileges by the English crown, and others were royal colonies, directly controlled by the king. Initially, South Carolina was a proprietary colony, meaning it was under the control of a proprietor who had been granted a charter by the English crown.

However, under proprietary rule, the colonists of South Carolina faced many challenges and conflicts. The proprietor was seen as distant and detached from the needs of the colonists, and there were disputes over landownership, governance, representation, and economic policies. These issues often led to social and political unrest within the colony.

Given these problems, the colonists of South Carolina saw appealing to King George I as an opportunity to gain more direct control and support from the English crown. By becoming a royal colony, South Carolina hoped to have a more stable and effective governance structure, with the king appointing a royal governor to directly oversee the colony's affairs. This would potentially provide more reliable and effective enforcement of laws, as well as ensure more direct representation of the colonists' interests in the colonial government.

By appealing to King George I, the colonists were seeking a change in their governance structure and hoping to establish a more stable and beneficial relationship with the English crown. Becoming a royal colony meant having direct representation and support from the king, which they believed would bring better governance and protection of their rights and interests.

The colonists of South Carolina appealed to King George I of England in 1719 because they wanted to become a royal colony.