Solve the inequality. Graph and check your solutions.

y - 3 > - 11

Which of the following is the graph of the​ solution?

The given inequality is y - 3 > -11.

First, let's solve the inequality algebraically:

Adding 3 to both sides of the inequality, we get:
y - 3 + 3 > -11 + 3
y > -8

So, the solution to the inequality is y > -8.

To graph the solution on a number line, we draw an open circle at -8 (since y is not equal to -8) and draw an arrow to the right, indicating all values greater than -8.

The correct graph of the solution is:

To solve the inequality y - 3 > -11, we need to isolate y.

Adding 3 to both sides of the inequality, we get:

y - 3 + 3 > -11 + 3

Simplifying, we have:

y > -8

The graph of the solution would be a number line with an open circle at -8 and an arrow pointing towards the right, indicating that all values greater than -8 are solutions to the inequality.

To check the solutions, we can substitute different values greater than -8 into the inequality and see if it holds true. For example, if we substitute y = 0:

0 - 3 > -11
-3 > -11

Since -3 is indeed greater than -11, the inequality holds true. Hence, all values greater than -8 are valid solutions.

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable y on one side of the inequality sign. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start with the given inequality: y - 3 > -11.

2. Add 3 to both sides of the inequality to get rid of the -3 on the left side: y - 3 + 3 > -11 + 3. This simplifies to y > -8.

So, the solution to the inequality is y > -8. Now, let's graph this solution:

To graph y > -8:

- Draw a number line and mark -8 on it.

- Since the inequality is greater than (>) -8, we need to shade the region to the right of -8 because all values greater than -8 will satisfy the inequality.

- Now, draw an open circle or an arrow on the number line to indicate that -8 itself is not included in the solution set.

The graph should look like this:


Now, to check the solutions, you can pick any value greater than -8 and substitute it into the original inequality. Let's check y = 0:

0 - 3 > -11

-3 > -11 (true)

Since -3 is greater than -11, the solution y > -8 holds true.

Therefore, the correct graph of the solution is a number line with a shaded region to the right of -8, indicating y > -8.