1: What were European nations competing for in the 1400s that brought wealth and power?

a. Religious influence

b. Control of global trade

c. Exploration right

d. Agricultural dominance

b. Control of global trade

In the 1400s, European nations were competing for both wealth and power. One of the key factors driving this competition was the desire for control of global trade. European nations wanted to establish dominance in overseas trade routes in order to gain access to valuable resources and increase their economic prosperity.

To understand this better, let's break down the options provided:

a. Religious influence: While religion did play a role in European history during this period, it was not the primary factor driving competition between nations and did not lead directly to wealth and power.

b. Control of global trade: This is the correct answer. European nations sought to control trade routes and establish trading colonies in order to gain access to valuable goods, such as spices, silk, and precious metals. This access to global trade led to economic growth and the accumulation of wealth, which in turn brought power.

c. Exploration right: Exploration indeed played a significant role in the competition between European nations during the 1400s. However, it was largely driven by the desire to discover new trade routes and establish colonies for economic purposes, rather than just for the sake of exploration itself.

d. Agricultural dominance: While agriculture was important for the economies of European nations during this period, it was not the primary focus of their competition. The desire for agricultural dominance did not have the same level of impact on wealth and power as control of trade.

So, the correct answer is b. Control of global trade. By securing control over trade routes and establishing trading colonies, European nations were able to amass wealth and gain power during the 1400s.

In the 1400s, European nations were competing primarily for control of global trade. The correct answer is b. Control of global trade.