This image is illustrating perspective. Which of the following techniques did the artist NOT use to create this image?

(1 point)

vanishing point
vanishing point

horizon line
horizon line

orthogonal lines
orthogonal lines

monochromatic colors

monochromatic colors

To determine which technique the artist did NOT use to create the image illustrating perspective, we will look at each option one by one and analyze its role in creating perspective.

1. Vanishing point: The vanishing point is a point on the horizon line where all parallel lines appear to converge. It creates the illusion of depth and distance in the image. To check if this technique was used, look for lines that appear to converge towards a single point in the distance. If you do not see any converging lines, then this technique was not used.

2. Horizon line: The horizon line represents the viewer's eye level and separates the ground from the sky. It helps in creating the illusion of depth and determining the position of objects in the image. To check if this technique was used, locate the line that divides the image into sky and ground. If you do not see such a line, then this technique was not used.

3. Orthogonal lines: Orthogonal lines are diagonal lines that converge towards the vanishing point. They guide the viewer's eye and create the perception of depth and space. To check if this technique was used, identify any diagonal lines in the image and see if they converge towards a certain point in the distance. If there are no diagonal lines or no convergence, then this technique was not used.

4. Monochromatic colors: Monochromatic colors refer to using variations of a single color (hue) while adjusting the brightness or saturation. This technique is not directly related to creating perspective. It focuses on the color scheme and harmony of the image. Therefore, the use or absence of monochromatic colors does not affect the application of perspective.

After considering each technique's role in creating perspective, we can conclude that the technique NOT used in this image is monochromatic colors.

From the information provided, it is apparent that the artist did not use monochromatic colors to create this image.