Which provides evidence of universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory? Select the three correct answers.(2 points)


The universe is undergoing a cycle of contraction and expansion.
The universe is undergoing a cycle of contraction and expansion.

The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.
The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.

The temperature of the universe is increasing.
The temperature of the universe is increasing.

An enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation has been detected in the universe.
An enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation has been detected in the universe.

The temperature of the universe is decreasing.
The temperature of the universe is decreasing.

Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The three correct answers are:

1. The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.
2. An enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation has been detected in the universe.
3. Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The three correct answers that provide evidence of universe expansion supporting the Big Bang Theory are:

1. The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.
2. An enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation has been detected in the universe.
3. Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The three correct answers that provide evidence of universe expansion supporting the Big Bang Theory are:

1. The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another. This is known as the CMB anisotropy and is a result of the initial fluctuations in the density of matter and energy during the early stages of the universe. The observations of this temperature variation support the idea that the universe has been expanding from a hot, dense state.

To understand this evidence, scientists study the CMB using specialized instruments, such as satellites like the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) and the Planck satellite. These instruments measure the temperature of the CMB in different directions across the sky. The differences in temperature provide valuable information about the conditions of the early universe and its expansion.

2. An enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation has been detected in the universe. This cosmic background radiation, also known as the CMB, is essentially the afterglow of the Big Bang. It was discovered in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery.

To detect the CMB, scientists use specialized detectors and telescopes designed to capture this faint radiation. The presence of this cosmic background radiation provides strong evidence for the Big Bang Theory and the expansion of the universe. The CMB is consistent with the prediction that the universe was once in a highly compressed and hot state, as proposed by the Big Bang Theory.

3. Galaxies are moving away from each other. This observation, known as the cosmic expansion, is a key piece of evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory. Edwin Hubble's observations in the 1920s showed that the galaxies are not only moving away from us but also from each other in all directions.

To verify this evidence, scientists measure the redshift of light from distant galaxies. The redshift refers to the stretching of light waves as space expands, causing the light to shift towards longer wavelengths. This redshift is a direct consequence of the expanding universe and provides strong evidence for the Big Bang Theory.

In summary, the three correct answers that provide evidence of universe expansion supporting the Big Bang Theory are:
- The temperature variation of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation
- The detection of an enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation
- The observation that galaxies are moving away from each other.