The mechanic said the car needed some break things replaced.

Which words can replace the imprecise phrase some break things with domain specific language?
A. Some important parts
B. The wheel cylinders
C. Things that stop the car
D. Some parts that wore out

B. The wheel cylinders

To replace the imprecise phrase "some break things" with domain-specific language that is more specific and accurate, option B - "The wheel cylinders" would be the most appropriate choice.

The phrase "some break things" is imprecise and does not provide specific information about what parts of the car need replacing to fix the brakes. However, option B - "The wheel cylinders" is a specific component of the braking system that is responsible for applying pressure to the brake pads, which in turn causes the vehicle to slow down or stop. By using the term "wheel cylinders," it clearly identifies the specific part that requires replacement, making it the most accurate choice from the options provided.

B. The wheel cylinders