Summarize the political impact of the spread of Islam into North Africa.(1 point)


A. Mansa Musa was the only ruler of the region to convert to Islam, which helped him gain influence and wealth.

B. Rulers in the region converted to Islam out of religious conviction and a desire for economic gain.

C. Rulers in the region converted to Islam out of a desire for economic gain, never religious

D. Rulers in the region converted to Islam out of religious conviction and forced their subjects to follow the religion, too.

D. Rulers in the region converted to Islam out of religious conviction and forced their subjects to follow the religion, too.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the political impact of the spread of Islam into North Africa. The spread of Islam had several significant political effects in the region.

One impact was that rulers in the region, such as Mansa Musa, converted to Islam. Mansa Musa was the ruler of the Mali Empire, which was located in West Africa. While not in North Africa specifically, his conversion to Islam is a notable example of the political impact of the spread of Islam in the wider region. His conversion helped him gain influence and wealth, as it allowed him to establish connections with other Muslim rulers and traders. However, it is important to note that Mansa Musa's conversion was not the only instance of rulers converting to Islam in North Africa.

Another impact was that some rulers in the region converted to Islam out of religious conviction. Islam spread in North Africa through peaceful means, such as trade and missionary work, which led to the conversion of rulers and their subjects. This conversion was motivated by religious beliefs rather than solely economic gain.

However, it is important to consider that economic motives also played a role in the spread of Islam. North Africa was a center of trade and commerce, and Islam provided access to broader networks of trade and economic opportunities. Therefore, rulers in the region may have converted to Islam not only for religious reasons but also for the potential economic benefits it offered.

Based on these explanations, the most accurate answer would be:

B. Rulers in the region converted to Islam out of religious conviction and a desire for economic gain.

The correct answer is: D. Rulers in the region converted to Islam out of religious conviction and forced their subjects to follow the religion, too.