Which option must be placed between coordinate adjectives?

A- no punctuation

B- semicolons

C- periods

D- commas

D- commas

D- commas

The correct answer to this question is D - commas.

When using coordinate adjectives, which are two or more adjectives that describe the same noun, it is common to use commas to separate them. However, there may be instances where the use of commas is not necessary, such as when the adjectives are closely related or when the order of the adjectives is interchangeable without changing the meaning.

To determine whether or not commas are needed between coordinate adjectives, you can use the "and test." This means that you can place the word "and" between the adjectives and see if the sentence still makes sense. If it does, then commas should be used.

For example:
- "She had a beautiful, large garden." (The sentence still makes sense with "and": beautiful and large garden)
- "He bought an expensive Italian sports car." (The sentence does not make sense with "and": expensive and Italian sports car)

Remember, it is important to place the commas correctly between coordinate adjectives to avoid confusion or ambiguity in your writing.