Instead of sending representatives to the First Continental Congress to protest the Intolerable Acts, Georgians _____(1 point) Responses captured several British arms storehouses. captured several British arms storehouses. sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah. sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah. arrested the royal governor and other British officials. arrested the royal governor and other British officials. requested permission to send a delegation to the king of England.

sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah.

To determine the correct answer, we can use the process of elimination based on the options provided.

- Option 1: "captured several British arms storehouses." This answer is not accurate as there is no historical evidence to suggest that Georgians captured British arms storehouses in response to the Intolerable Acts.

- Option 2: "sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah." This answer is plausible as sending a group to the provincial congress to address their concerns is a possible response to the Intolerable Acts. However, we should continue evaluating the remaining options to ensure accuracy.

- Option 3: "arrested the royal governor and other British officials." This answer is not historically accurate. While protests and resistance against British rule occurred during this time, there is no record of Georgians arresting the royal governor or other British officials as a response to the Intolerable Acts.

- Option 4: "requested permission to send a delegation to the king of England." This answer is not the most likely response to the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts were a series of punitive measures imposed on Massachusetts, and it is unlikely that Georgia would have sought permission to send a delegation to the king of England regarding these acts.

Based on this process of elimination, the most plausible answer is Option 2: "sent a group of Georgians to the provincial congress in Savannah." By sending representatives to the provincial congress, Georgians would have intended to voice their grievances and strategize a collective response to the Intolerable Acts.

The correct answer is: arrested the royal governor and other British officials.