Apply the Product Rule of Exponents to form an equivalent expression of 16⋅12⋅11 .(1 point)


1 superscript 12 baseline

1 cubed

1 superscript 13 baseline


16^1 * 12^1 * 11^1 = 16 * 12 * 11 = 2112

To apply the Product Rule of Exponents, we need to understand what it states. The Product Rule states that when multiplying two numbers with the same base, we can add their exponents. In this case, the base is 1.

So, to form an equivalent expression of 16⋅12⋅11, we need to add the exponents of the base 1. Since 16, 12, and 11 all have the base 1, we can rewrite the expression as 1^2⋅1^2⋅1^1.

Now, using the Product Rule, we add the exponents: 2 + 2 + 1. This gives us the final expression:


Therefore, the equivalent expression of 16⋅12⋅11 is 1^5.

To apply the product rule of exponents to form an equivalent expression of 16⋅12⋅11, we can multiply the numbers together and then apply the appropriate exponents.

16⋅12⋅11 = (2^4)⋅(2^2⋅3)⋅(11^1)

To simplify this expression, we can add the exponents of the same base together.

= 2^(4+2⋅3)⋅11^1

= 2^10⋅11^1

Therefore, an equivalent expression of 16⋅12⋅11 using the product rule of exponents is 2^10⋅11.