Use the following sentence to answer the question.

The winning team celebrated with a pizza party after the game.

Identify the participle and its function in the sentence.

(1 point)

after; it is acting as an adjective.
after; it is acting as an adjective.

celebrated; it is acting as a noun
celebrated; it is acting as a noun

winning; it is acting as an adjective
winning; it is acting as an adjective

pizza party; it is acting as a noun

winning; it is acting as an adjective

The participle in the sentence is "winning" and it is acting as an adjective.

In order to identify the participle and its function in the sentence "The winning team celebrated with a pizza party after the game," we need to understand what a participle is and how it functions in a sentence.

A participle is a form of a verb that can function as an adjective. It usually ends in -ing, -ed, -en, or -t. In this case, we have the word "winning" in the sentence.

Now, let's determine the function of the participle "winning" in the sentence. It is describing or modifying the noun "team," so it is acting as an adjective. Therefore, the correct response is:

winning; it is acting as an adjective.