Which of the following best describes the right of men and women in ancient Jewish society? Select all that apply.

- Men had more rights and privileges than women in ancient Jewish society.

- Women were often seen as property, belonging to their fathers or husbands.
- Men had the authority to make decisions and take leadership roles in both the family and community.
- Women had limited access to education and were primarily responsible for domestic duties.
- Inheritance and property rights were often passed down through male lineage, excluding women.

In ancient Jewish society, the right of men and women can be described in the following ways:

1. Men had more rights and privileges than women.
2. Men were the primary decision-makers and leaders in the community.
3. Women were expected to fulfill traditional domestic roles, such as taking care of the house and family.
4. Women were not allowed to participate in religious activities or hold positions of authority within the religious community.
5. Women did not have the same inheritance rights as men.
6. Women were often subjected to societal expectations and limitations on their behavior and dress.

Please note that these descriptions are general and can vary within different periods and specific communities within ancient Jewish society.

To determine the right of men and women in ancient Jewish society, we can refer to historical sources such as religious texts, archaeological findings, and scholarly research. Here are the options commonly cited:

1. Men held greater authority and legal privileges than women: In ancient Jewish society, men generally held positions of power and had more legal rights compared to women. They were usually regarded as the heads of households, had the authority to make important decisions, and were considered the primary providers for their families.

2. Women had specific roles and responsibilities: Women in ancient Jewish society had distinct roles and responsibilities within the family and community. They were primarily responsible for managing the household, raising children, and taking care of domestic affairs.

3. Women's rights were limited in some areas: While women in ancient Jewish society had certain rights and privileges, there were also limited areas where their rights were curtailed. For example, women had restrictions on participating in religious ceremonies, could not hold leadership positions within the religious establishment, and had limited inheritance rights compared to men.

4. Women had legal protection and marital rights: Ancient Jewish society had laws and customs that offered women protection and certain marital rights. For instance, women had the right to receive financial compensation (dowry) in case of divorce, had the option to initiate divorce in certain cases, and were entitled to various legal and financial protections.

Please note that the interpretation of ancient Jewish society can vary, and different sources may present slightly different descriptions of men and women's rights. It's always advisable to refer to reputable historical and scholarly sources for a comprehensive understanding.