3.If the dartboard below is used to model an atom, which subatomic particles would be located at Z?

A. protons and electrons
B. electrons and magnetrons
C. neutrons and electrons
D. protons and neutrons

Z is the center of the atom on the dartboard model. Therefore, the subatomic particles located at Z would be protons and neutrons.

So the correct answer is option D: protons and neutrons.

In the context of an atom, Z typically represents the atomic number, which corresponds to the number of protons in the nucleus. Therefore, the correct answer would be:

D. Protons and neutrons

To determine which subatomic particles would be located at Z, we need to understand the composition of an atom and the properties of its subatomic particles.

The atom is made up of three main subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.

- Protons have a positive charge (+1) and are located in the nucleus of the atom.
- Neutrons have no charge (neutral) and are also found in the nucleus.
- Electrons have a negative charge (-1) and orbit around the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells.

Now, looking at the options given:

A. Protons and electrons: Protons are indeed located in the nucleus, and electrons are found outside the nucleus. Therefore, this option is a possibility.

B. Electrons and magnetrons: Magnetrons are not subatomic particles. They are devices used in microwave technologies. Thus, this option can be disregarded.

C. Neutrons and electrons: Neutrons are located in the nucleus, so this part of the option is correct. Electrons are outside the nucleus, also making this option a possibility.

D. Protons and neutrons: Protons and neutrons are both located in the nucleus, so this option is a possibility as well.

In summary, options A, C, and D are all potential combinations of subatomic particles that could be located at Z. To determine with certainty which combination would be correct, we need more information or context about the specific atom being modeled.