Which property is illustrated by the following statement 2x(6)=(6)2x

The property illustrated by the statement is the commutative property of multiplication.

The property illustrated by the statement 2x(6)=(6)2x is the commutative property of multiplication.

The property illustrated by the statement 2x(6) = (6)2x is called the commutative property of multiplication.

To understand this property, let's break down the equation:

2x(6) means 2 times 6 multiplied by x.
(6)2x means 6 times x multiplied by 2.

The commutative property of multiplication states that the order of the factors can be changed without affecting the product. In other words, when you multiply numbers, you can rearrange the order of the factors, and the result will remain the same.

In this case, the equation 2x(6) = (6)2x shows that the order of the factors has been changed, but the result remains the same. This demonstrates the commutative property of multiplication.