Writing a story with proper sequence and organization is important because

(1 point)

O it helps the reader understand the story.

O stories can be confusing.

O it helps the reader match the pictures to the text.

O stories can be in any order.

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The correct answer is: It helps the reader understand the story.

The correct answer is:

- It helps the reader understand the story.

The correct answer is: O it helps the reader understand the story.

Explanation: Writing a story with proper sequence and organization is important because it helps the reader understand the story. When a story is organized in a logical sequence, it allows the reader to follow the events and understand the plot more easily. It helps to create a clear and coherent flow, making it easier for the reader to connect with the characters and the story as a whole. Without proper sequence and organization, stories can become confusing and difficult to follow, which may lead to a loss of interest or comprehension.