
Use the image to answer the question.

This image of a roller coaster is designed to show important information about potential and kinetic energy. One of these labeled pieces of information is incorrect. Which information is wrong, and why?

(1 point)

The spot marked “maximum gravitational potential energy” should be on the lowest point of the roller coaster, at the far left side on the bottom.
The spot marked “maximum gravitational potential energy” should be on the lowest point of the roller coaster, at the far left side on the bottom.

The spot with the “maximum kinetic energy” should be on the lowest point of the roller coaster, at the far left side on the bottom.
The spot with the “maximum kinetic energy” should be on the lowest point of the roller coaster, at the far left side on the bottom.

The roller coaster would only have kinetic energy at the point labeled “gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.”
The roller coaster would only have kinetic energy at the point labeled “gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.”

The roller coaster would only have potential energy at the point labeled “gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.”
The roller coaster would only have potential energy at the point labeled “gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.”
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The information marked as "maximum gravitational potential energy" is incorrect. Gravitational potential energy is highest at the highest point of the roller coaster, not at the lowest point.

To answer this question, you need to understand the concepts of potential and kinetic energy in relation to a roller coaster.

Potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position or state. In the case of a roller coaster, gravitational potential energy refers to the energy that is stored when the coaster is at a higher point in its track. This energy is converted into kinetic energy as the roller coaster moves downhill. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion or movement.

Looking at the image, you can see that there are labels indicating the spots of maximum gravitational potential energy and maximum kinetic energy.

To determine which information is incorrect, compare the labels to what you know about potential and kinetic energy on a roller coaster. Specifically, consider the relationship between the points of highest potential and kinetic energy.

If the roller coaster is at a high point on its track, it will have high potential energy and low kinetic energy. As the roller coaster moves downhill, potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases. At the bottom of the track, the roller coaster has the maximum kinetic energy and the minimum potential energy.

Now, compare this understanding to the labels on the image.

The first and second response options both state that the spot marked "maximum gravitational potential energy" should be on the lowest point of the roller coaster, at the far left side on the bottom. This aligns with the correct understanding of potential and kinetic energy on a roller coaster. Therefore, these options are not the incorrect information you are looking for.

The third response states that the roller coaster would only have kinetic energy at the point labeled "gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy." This statement is incorrect because at that particular point, the roller coaster would still have some potential energy remaining. Therefore, this statement is the incorrect information you are looking for.

In summary, the incorrect information is that the roller coaster would only have kinetic energy at the point labeled "gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy."

Based on the given image, the incorrect labeled information is "The roller coaster would only have potential energy at the point labeled 'gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.'" This is incorrect because at this point, both potential energy and kinetic energy are present. Potential energy is at its maximum at the highest point of the roller coaster, while kinetic energy is at its maximum at the lowest point of the roller coaster. Therefore, the label should indicate both potential energy and kinetic energy.