Which Air Force Base is located in Alamogordo?(1 point) Responses Holloman Air Force Base Holloman Air Force Base Cannon Air Force Base Cannon Air Force Base Scott Air Force Base Scott Air Force Base Kirtland Air Force Base

Holloman Air Force Base

The Air Force Base located in Alamogordo is Holloman Air Force Base.

The Air Force Base located in Alamogordo is Holloman Air Force Base. To find the answer, you can use various methods. One option is to search for the information online using a search engine like Google. Simply enter the query "Air Force Base in Alamogordo" and you should be able to find the correct answer. Another option is to consult official military or Air Force sources, such as the official website for Holloman Air Force Base or the U.S. Air Force website. These sources often provide detailed information about military bases and their locations.