which of the following How will “bad” instructions help to select the appropriate language?(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0AChoosing a high-level language is always the right choice.%0D%0AChoosing a high-level language is always the right choice.%0D%0A%0D%0AInstructions are not clear on what to do, instructions in the chosen language are too complex, or instructions do not actually accomplish what they are supposed to.%0D%0AInstructions are not clear on what to do, instructions in the chosen language are too complex, or instructions do not actually accomplish what they are supposed to.%0D%0A%0D%0AThis will increase the output of graphics on the screen.%0D%0AThis will increase the output of graphics on the screen.%0D%0A%0D%0ALanguage features have no effect on our problem.

Instructions that are not clear, too complex, or do not accomplish what they are supposed to will help to select the appropriate language. This is because if the instructions do not provide clear guidance or if the chosen language is too complex for the task, it indicates that a different language may be more suitable. Additionally, if the chosen language does not accomplish what is intended, it suggests that a different language may be better suited for the desired outcome.

To select the appropriate language, we need to consider several factors. Looking at the options provided, the option "Instructions are not clear on what to do, instructions in the chosen language are too complex, or instructions do not actually accomplish what they are supposed to" is the most relevant.

Choosing a language with clear and concise instructions is essential as it ensures that developers understand what needs to be done. If the instructions in a chosen language are too complex or do not achieve the intended outcomes, it can lead to confusion and errors in the code.

Therefore, by identifying bad instructions and considering their impact on clarity and complexity, we can make a more informed decision about the appropriateness of a programming language for a specific task.

The option that explains how "bad" instructions help to select the appropriate language is:

- Instructions are not clear on what to do, instructions in the chosen language are too complex, or instructions do not actually accomplish what they are supposed to.

This option suggests that if the instructions provided are unclear or ineffective in achieving the desired outcome, it indicates that the chosen language may not be suitable for the task at hand. Therefore, it helps in selecting a more appropriate language by identifying the limitations or shortcomings of the current language.