Which of the following goods were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia? Select the two that apply.

(2 points)





Rice and Indigo

To determine which goods were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia, we can look at the different crops that were cultivated during that time period. In this case, we need to select two options out of the given choices: Rice, Grapes, Indigo, and Cotton.

To find the answer, we can start by examining each of the options individually:

1. Rice: Colonists in Georgia indeed produced rice on a large scale. The warm and humid climate in the region was well-suited for rice cultivation.

2. Grapes: While Georgia does have a favorable climate for growing certain grape varieties, such as muscadine grapes, it was not traditionally cultivated on a large scale in colonial Georgia.

3. Indigo: Indigo was produced on a significant scale during colonial Georgia. Indigo plants were grown and processed to extract their blue dye, which was in high demand for the textile industry at the time.

4. Cotton: Cotton production was not a major industry in colonial Georgia. It was primarily cultivated in other regions, such as the southern colonies like South Carolina.

Based on this analysis, the correct answers are Rice and Indigo.

The two goods that were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia were:

1. Rice: Rice was one of the major crops cultivated in colonial Georgia due to its favorable climate and rich, fertile soil.
2. Indigo: Indigo, a plant used for producing blue dye, was also cultivated in large quantities in colonial Georgia. It was a profitable cash crop for the colony.