A tape dispenser holds 1.14 × 10⁴ mm of tape that is 12.7 mm wide. Multiply the two numbers to find the total area in square millimeters of tape. Write the product in scientific notation.

A. 1.4478 × 10⁵ mm²
B. 14.478 × 10⁴ mm²
C. 1.4478 × 10⁴ mm²
D. 14.478 × 10⁵ mm²

To find the total area of tape, we need to multiply the length (1.14 × 10⁴ mm) by the width (12.7 mm).

1.14 × 10⁴ mm * 12.7 mm = 14.478 × 10⁴ mm²

Writing this in scientific notation, we can simplify 14.478 × 10⁴ mm² to 1.4478 × 10⁵ mm².

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 1.4478 × 10⁵ mm².

To find the total area in square millimeters of tape, we need to multiply the length of the tape (1.14 × 10⁴ mm) by the width of the tape (12.7 mm).

First, let's write the given numbers in scientific notation if they're not already.

1.14 × 10⁴ mm = 11,400 mm
12.7 mm = 1.27 × 10¹ mm

Now we can multiply these two numbers:
11,400 mm * 1.27 × 10¹ mm

To multiply numbers in scientific notation, we can multiply the coefficients (11,400 * 1.27) and then add the exponents (10⁴ + 10¹).

11,400 * 1.27 = 14,478
10⁴ + 10¹ = 10⁵

Putting these together, we get:
14,478 * 10⁵ mm²

In scientific notation, this can be written as:
1.4478 × 10⁵ mm²

Therefore, the correct answer is A) 1.4478 × 10⁵ mm².

To find the total area of the tape in square millimeters, we need to multiply the length of the tape (1.14 × 10⁴ mm) by the width of the tape (12.7 mm).

1.14 × 10⁴ mm × 12.7 mm = (1.14 × 12.7) × (10⁴ × 1) mm²
= 14.478 × 10⁴ mm²

Therefore, the product of the two numbers in scientific notation is:

B. 14.478 × 10⁴ mm²