Which factor best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements?

(1 point)

Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food

Native Americans began to create more complex tools and pottery

Native Americans discovered alternate food sources, such as shellfish

Native Americans wanted to to band together in large groups for protection

Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is:

Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food.

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is that they began to cultivate plants for food.

To understand this, we need to consider the process of human development. In early human society, individuals relied on hunting and gathering for sustenance. They lived nomadic lifestyles and were constantly on the move in search of food sources. However, as communities grew and populations increased, the need for a more stable and reliable food supply became evident.

Native Americans recognized this need and started to experiment with cultivation of plants. They discovered the domestication and cultivation of indigenous crops such as maize (corn), beans, and squash. By cultivating these plants, they were able to establish a consistent source of food. This agricultural development allowed them to settle in one place for longer periods, leading to the formation of permanent settlements.

This factor is seen as the most influential because it provided a reliable food supply, which in turn allowed Native Americans to focus on other aspects of their culture and society. With a consistent food source, they could build more permanent structures, develop social structures, and engage in more complex trade and artistic activities.

Therefore, out of the provided options, the factor that explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is that they began to cultivate plants for food.