This climate zone experiences climate changes as elevation changes.

Tropical climate

Dry climate

Polar climate




The correct answer is D. Highlands.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand how climate changes with elevation. As elevation increases, the temperature generally drops, resulting in different climate zones. This happens due to a phenomenon called the lapse rate, which states that the temperature decreases by about 6.5 degrees Celsius per 1,000 meters of elevation gain.

Highland areas are characterized by varying temperatures and climate changes as elevation changes. In mountainous regions, as you ascend the slopes, the climate begins to resemble the polar climate. Higher elevations experience cooler temperatures, often accompanied by more precipitation and harsher environmental conditions. Vegetation and wildlife in highlands differ significantly from those in lower elevations, reflecting the changes in the climate.

Therefore, based on the explanation, the climate zone that experiences climate changes as elevation changes is D. Highlands.

D. Highlands