This climate zone has year-long winters. It is never warmer than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tropical climate

Dry climate

Polar climate


C. Polar climate

The correct answer is C. Polar climate.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the description given. The climate zone described has year-long winters and never exceeds temperatures of 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This indicates an extremely cold climate with consistently cold temperatures throughout the year.

To understand climate zones, it is helpful to know about the Köppen climate classification system. This system categorizes climates based on temperature and precipitation patterns.

In this case, the year-long winters and consistently cold temperatures suggest a climate zone characterized by extremely low temperatures. Based on the given information, we can eliminate options A (Tropical climate) and B (Dry climate), as they both describe climates that are significantly warmer than the one described.

Option D (Highlands) refers to mountainous regions, but it does not necessarily indicate a specific temperature range. Highlands can have a variety of climate types depending on their altitude and location.

Option C (Polar climate) is the most suitable choice based on the given information. Polar climate zones are characterized by extremely cold temperatures and long, harsh winters. These regions typically have temperatures that rarely exceed 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

C. Polar climate